Today, in the MTM2010 campaign, we reached an important milestone:
20% of all the remaining costs owed on Phase I are pledged.
That's $379K pledged in all, $1.546 million to go. Sounds better to say 20% though, right? 🙂
In terms of "months" or "payments" (toward principal), 39 months have been "adopted"; 24 of those are already paid.
The average month/payment toward principal, for the 231 months yet to adopt, is $6880.
So — to recap — when we started this journey on July 1, 2009, we owed
$1.924 million.
Today, just over 10 months later, we owe $1.546 million.
Please keep praying for a major miracle to happen in the months that remain in 2010.