Read the August Visionary
In this Issue:
An Inseparable Link
Field Highlight: Thailand
Prayer Shelter Spotlight: Westerville
Prayer Requests
July Financial Report
Prayer, Retreat and Learning Center
In this Issue:
An Inseparable Link
Field Highlight: Thailand
Prayer Shelter Spotlight: Westerville
Prayer Requests
July Financial Report
Give thanks for students who are passionate about seeing the unreached peoples engaged with the Gospel. Pray for God’s leading to visit and promote Team Expansion on university and college campuses to engage students in God’s global plan.
Praise God’s Sovereignty in developing plans, goals, training, and strategy for all missionary families who are a part of the Team Expansion family. Pray for the success in bearing fruit, recruiting, and mobilizing God’s people in global missions.
Continue reading “2012-08-29: Plans, Goals, Training, and Strategy.”
As Team Expansion strives in our purpose to transform communities by planting Biblical churches and work toward the vision of 80 church planting movements by 2015, come alongside us in prayer for God to empower this oarganization to engage the global church in His plan for the nations.
Rejoice that God is Sovereign and He is the One who provides people and resources. Pray for opportunities to share Business as Missions (BAM) with congregations to mobilize the global church.
Give God the glory for empowering churches to be involved in adopting a people group in order to lead church planting movements through PACE projects. Pray for opportunities to equip churches with PACE strategy to provide necessary resources for implementing church planting movements among least reached peoples.
Ask God to thrust out evangelists/preachers with the message of Christ to the people of Ireland.
Praise God for identifying workers for new PACE projects and ventures that God has charted a course for taking His message of Grace to least reached peoples. Ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up more workers and more partners for new territories He has mapped out for us.
Praise His Spirit for prompting His people to pray for His message to spread worldwide.
Pray that the global church would be engaged in prayer for the salvation of the nations.
Praise God for His creativity and innovation. Pray for the development of strategic relationships, pathways, and partnerships to mobilize His people into the ministry of starting indigenous Biblical church movements.