Please continue your prayers for Rick Starr. Here is his latest update (July 24):
“Debbie and I drove close to 500 miles in the last 24 hours to preach and sing for a funeral in Illinois. It was a great time in the Lord. The elders at the Church that we served in Oblong anointed me with oil, from James 5 and prayed over me in the Name of Jesus. There were several other people from Church there as well. It was a wonderful time in the Lord. The funeral was full of love, compassion and inspiration. Vivian was a real special lady to our family. She lived to be 91 years old here on earth and now she is living forever with the Lord!
Dr. Warnick’s office from Cincinnati called right before the funeral with the following information. He is on vacation and will be out of the office till next Tuesday. They want me to go to their clinic in Dayton, Ohio this week and have a PET Scan. We will pick up the two different series of MRI’s from his office in Cincinnati on the way to Dayton. They will then take the PET Scan and the MRI and fuse them together some how and get a better picture. Then their surgery tumor team will look at the results. They will then meet with Dr. Warnick and make a recommendation.
This is great news to me…because I was going to request another MRI after the Church here at Spencer prayed and fasted for me for 24 hours last week and the Church in Illinois prayed over me on Sunday. We are praying that God will miraculously removed the spot! (I just cannot bring my self to say t….) So it looks like we will be heading to Cincinnati and Dayton this week sometime. The office in Dayton is suppose to call tomorrow with an appointment date. But they will not make any recommendation until after the PET Scan and the MRI fusing and the team meets next week. So prayer warriors, we have another week to pray and lift my life before the throne of God.
I will email all of you when I find out the day and time of the PET Scan so all of you can be praying.
Please continue to pray as we are for a miracle….what a great witness to the power of God this will be!!!!
Serving God With You…
Rick L. Starr