- Girding up the foundation of prayer in Emerald Hills' push for prayer are a total of ten partners that are "adopting" a "29" package on the new campus:
Fern Creek Christian Church, Louisville, KY — $400/mo. plus a one-time gift of $4800/year until $25K
Lifespring Christian Church (formerly Clovernook), Cincinnati, OH — $275/mo. for 90 months.
Shively Christian Church, Louisville, KY — $400/mo. for 5 years
Lakota Christian Church, Cincinnati, OH — a one-time gift of $6000 plus $800/mo. for 24 months
Indian Creek Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN — a one-time gift of $12,000 plus 12 short-termers each raising $1000
Anonymous individual (to be confirmed, but highly likely, we're told) — one-time gift
Westerville Christian Church, Columbus, OH — $639/mo. for 39 months
College Heights Christian Church, Joplin, MO — raising the $24,000
an anonymous individual…(to be confirmed, but highly likely)
and the latest… another anonymous individual (to be confirmed, but highly likely)
(click "Read more," below, for more story and pictures)
This generates the resources for…
*** The new Fern Creek Christian Church Prayer Pavilion — The structure is complete, and Joe Wilson has been hard at work on the fireplace/stonework these last two weeks. Lots of good progress there.
*** A Prayer Shelter in the name of each partner (gazebo-like, 10'x10') — In each case, the partner gets to pick its own mutually-agreeable spot. We have a map and a list of sites not yet selected.
*** A Tablet computer for prayer walks at Emerald Hills, again, in the name of each partner — Perhaps you've seen our sampler… an IBM Thinkpad x41. Something similar. See the photo in the header above and the pictures accompanying this story.
*** Funding toward the Atrium/Prayer Center building. Int'l Services will office here for an interim period of 1-2 years, after which, this building will become the core of our newly-expanded Int'l Prayer and Services Center
The first prayer shelter kit is already on-site. We have ordered construction documents (specific building plans) for the Atrium/Prayer Center building. Recall that this building has 5000 sq. ft. upstairs and 2500 sq. ft in a walk-out basement. Although the top floor will at first by inhabited by the Int'l Services team during their transition out to Emerald Hills, it will eventually become a full-tilt prayer center & gathering area to welcome missionaries, guests, and other pilgrims coming to Emerald Hills to pray.
As soon as those plans are in, we'll seek at least 3 bids for the excavation of the Great Lawn, parking lot & basement, foundation walls and concrete basement floor.
What's next???
We desperately move forward to find the remaining partners for all "29" prayer shelters. Right now, those partners are our best promise for moving toward our new building and the new prayer ministry at Emerald Hills. Please keep praying that God will give them boldness and vision.
Thanks again for your patience as we mobilize for our new location.