2012-11-04: Hopewell House.

Gratefully praise the Lord for continually building Team Expansion’s capacity through technology, facilities, and finances.  Pray that His Spirit would provide financial means for a buyer for Hopewell House, former office site of International Services and home base of our organization,

Jeremiah 29:11

Jeremiah 29:11 “”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.””

While this verse is God’s exhortation to the exiled people of Israel to turn to Him “with all their heart,” (v. 13) it can also apply to South Asian Hindu peoples like the Chaudharis. These people have been apart from God for centuries, worshipping idols that are not gods, and paying the consequences. But God is rich in mercy, and He wants all peoples to turn to Him. It will be a great day when the Chaudhari people turn to their true Lord and God!

Pray for many Chaudhari leaders to seek and find the true and living God, and take His Name to every one of their communities.

Today’s People Group

“I don’t know what I can do, or even what I want to do the rest of my life,” complained the Chaudhari youth, laboring in the wheat field beside his father. “Will you permit me to move to the city and seek a job there? Many of my friends have done that. Maybe I can find a place to live there.” “I’ll give it some thought,” his papa replied, wiping sweat from his forehead with a bandana.

The above conversation is not unusual for the Chaudhari people of Gujarat, India. Many of the young people are having trouble finding their niche, developing skills, and gaining the confidence to excel in modern India.

In earlier years the Chaudhari people were farmers. When India gained its independence, many Chaudharis found jobs in the government. Likewise, many of the current younger generation have found their place in government occupations as well as in the private sector.

The total Chaudhari population throughout India is 382,000. Gujarat State has the largest number, 366,000. Most Chaudharis are Hindus; less than 2 percent are Christ followers.

Pray that many Chaudhari youth will find the Lord and learn His plan for their lives. Pray for them to find a hope and a future in Christ.

Learn more at Joshua Project.

2012-10-25: Applicants.

Give thanks and praise for applicants in the Team Expansion pipeline. Pray that God grants wisdom in doing follow-up with each applicant and in the process of initiating new recruits, so that we may surpass the standards of planning, communicating, stewardship, and accountability.

2012-10-24: Coaches and Mentors.

Give thanks and praise for harvest workers who are willing to coach/mentor interns and apprentices in church planting. Ask God’s direction in selecting which fields to serve in and connecting with field workers in developing internship plans.