2019-05-06: Community Health Evangelism.

Pray for Community Health Evangelism (CHE) training taking place May 6-9. CHE is a grass roots movement that has revolutionized the strategy of global missions. This training focuses on Biblical development philosophy, the foundational principles of CHE, and how to start a CHE plant. The 4-day training equips you to become CHE trainers and to survey and choose a location to begin using CHE strategy.

2019-05-05: God’s Direction.

Praise God for His direction as the Simply Mobilizing US National Coordination Team expands, plans, and reinforces a mobilizing movement. Ask God to identify volunteers skilled in social network/social media, communications, and administrative follow-up. Pray for financial partners for Simply Mobilizing USA that will strengthen and impact this movement for the Kingdom across the U.S.A. and the world.

2019-05-04: Simply Mobilizing.

The idea of Simply Mobilizing was introduced to the global Kairos family in 2015 and has been simmering in the U.S. ever since. Over the last few years, ideas have been implemented, and small steps have built on the Kairos course foundation. During this past year, God raised up new coordination team members and a firmer vision formed for the U.S.A. This has set the stage for the Simply Mobilizing breakthrough in 2019. Praise God for this advance in His vision to see all God’s people mobilized for the world Christian movement.

2019-05-03: Media to DMM.

How does Media to Disciple Making Movement work? Using social media to identify seekers online has been proven fruitful. Prayer is the key component. Responders engage with posts on Facebook daily, which can lead to face-to-face meetings with workers. The media team continues to develop content that prayerfully locates true spiritual seekers. This leads to meeting regularly to read the Bible with them and their circles of influence. Pray that God will grant favor in using the media tool to accelerate DMM. Pray with confidence that God has more people that He is drawing to Jesus in creative access lands.

2019-05-02: God’s Testimony in BiH.

Praise God for His testimony in BiH. Recently, workers gathered again for training, encouragement, and fellowship as a network of disciple-making movement practitioners, trainers, and coaches. Over 40 people, including a few guests who want to know more about DMM principles gathered together. Praise God for His goodness to see more Bosnian participation. There were Bosnians at every table and testimonies to how DMM principles can work if we don’t give up. The potential for expanding the Kingdom of God is significant. One believer testified to the value of meeting in homes, which is how he was saved and discipled 18 years ago.

2019-05-01: Praise God for Partners in the Gospel.

Praise God for partners in the Gospel in Brazil. Pray for trainers from Team Expansion traveling today through May 16 to three different cities to do Disciple Making Movement training and follow-up. Pray that new participants will catch the vision and implement DMM principles alongside Brazilians already practicing them. Pray for movements to Christ that reach into Amazon regions where the Gospel has not been heard before.

2019-04-30: Two by Two.

In Matthew 10 and Luke 10, Jesus sends out groups of disciples two by two and tells them to search for houses and people of peace. He tells them characteristics to look for; and once they find a house or person of peace, they must stay there to proclaim the Gospel. Pray for workers who are searching for these key people and ask God to raise up these people to be leaders and catalysts in disciple making movements.

2019-04-28: Give Thanks!

Give thanks to God for Field Coordinators serving our teams in Europe. Pray that each FC will proactively encourage and communicate with their teams once a month. Pray for timely response to a missionary’s newsletter or other communication. 

2019-04-27: Zenica.

Praise God that many have received the Gospel in Zenica, a medium-sized city about an hour outside of Sarajevo. There is a church presence in this city with several local and expat believers laboring for the Kingdom. Even in this majority Muslim city, we rejoice that men and women in Zenica have access to the Gospel and that several have received the gift of salvation. This is not the case in many other cities in former Yugoslavia. Thank the Lord for His work and ask Him to continue to multiply believers both in Zenica and all over BiH!